Sunday, June 9, 2013



losers-count-sheep: Okay no. I saw this video on facebook...


Okay no.

I saw this video on facebook yesterday and I wanna clear something up.

This rabbit is not relaxed. Throughout the video, the rabbit is stiff as a board. 

When rabbits are flipped onto their backs, they go into tonic immobility, which is a natural state of paralysis that rabbits and some other animals sink into. This is a protective, stress-induced behaviour that would protect them from potential threats, much like 'playing dead'. 

This is not a cute video of a rabbit enjoying a bath. This is a video of a rabbit showing stress-induced behaviour that has been known to kill rabbits. In this state, the heart and respiration rates of the rabbit lower significantly and if left for a long period of time - such as having a 'nice relaxing bath', can cause suffocation or indeed, a stress-induced heart atack.

A study led by Dr. Anne McBride of the University of Southampton found that rabbits show signs of extreme stress after an episode of tonic immobility. Another danger of placing a rabbit on his back is that he could break his back if he struggles against being turned over.

Never purposely place your rabbit into tonic immobility unless for medical reasons - meaning, if you're a veterinarian or an EXPERIENCED rabbit handler or groomer. Intentionally inflicting severe stress on your pet to gain views for your cute video is fucking disgusting and abusive.

lunaxvx: Apu's having none of your shit today. No apologies. No...


Apu's having none of your shit today.

No apologies. No compromise. No more excuses.

I don’t think I’m better than you because I’m xvx I know I am better than...

I don’t think I’m better than you because I’m xvx

I know I am better than you.

suck it nerds

*rides off on a skateboard*

I should start a tshirt company called lyfsux and make...

I should start a tshirt company called lyfsux and make depressive, terribly designed shirts and sell them so I can make money for tattoos.

what are your reasons for being straight edge apart from the fact that drugs are unhealthy?

So I can tell people on the internet that I am better than them.

Wait so then how can you tell if wine is vegan?

Don't fucking drink it alcoholic scum 


(alternatively you can look up which alcoholic beverages are vegan on this extremely helpful website)

Would you ever take part in 'illegally' liberating animals (as in ALF activities)?

Which energy drinks are vegan-friendly?! I miss them so much but I was told they weren't vegan because taurine is an animal by-product?

Dude synthetic taurine has been around for like 30 years now, stress less. I found this out when researching about vegan cats, because one of the main reasons people say cats can't be vegan is because they need taurine and they can only get that from meat, which is funny because the taurine in commercial cat food is synthetically added in (along with every other fucking vitamin haha)

I digress.

You still have to be careful though because some flavors of energy drinks do contain fish eggs (like some wines). I don't know where you live so I'm not sure what energy drinks you have available so my advice is to just email the companies that make them and ask them if they are vegan or not!

Serious question, do you not believe in exterminating pests? I just ask this because of the whole "honey isn't vegan" thing. I clean cut all meat/fur/any other animal product out about 6 months ago, thanks to you, so you were one of the first people I thought of to ask this. Thanks!

I believe in human extermination? We are the only real pests on this planet

But seriously

We have a lot of millipedes in our house which are pretty chill and don't eat much. I don't mind sharing my house with bugs or mice or what ever. Except for ants, but we just lined the doors and windows with vinegar supernatural style and they don't come in anymore.

Humane deterrents and prevention methods eliminate the need for extermination. So just do some research and you will be fine.

I'm glad I could help you go vegan n.n

Feminists and other activists:

Please stop being so naive to think that advertisement can be saved. It is there to play on  insecurities or appeal to the interests of a certain demographic so they can sell their products. Companies don’t release ” all bodies are beautiful” campaigns because you and your tireless efforts showed them the light, they did it because they know that you and people like you will lap that fucking shit up and buy their stupid product.

Advertisement is and forever will be completely fucking evil.

Every time I complain about something on the internet (which...

Every time I complain about something on the internet (which is basically the only thing I do on the internet) it is seen by almost 7 thousand people and for some reason they enjoy it. I need to find out how to get paid to do this how cool would that be.

things that annoy me #198273

People with “christian values”

Because every time I have asked someone to elaborate on what that means they have always said something along the lines of ” You know, I believe in treating others how you want to be treated and stuff like that” WHICH IS IN NO WAY A VALUE SPECIFIC TO CHRISTIANITY.

When you say ” I have christian values” all I hear is ” I don’t want to have to do christian things but I do want to go to heaven”


Tumblr users acting like they aren’t as annoying and idiotic as the people on facebook that...

Tumblr users acting like they aren’t as annoying and idiotic as the people on facebook that they always complain about.

Fucking please.

You are the same kind of idiot saying the same crap, you just have a bunch of shitty pictures between all the dumb shit you say.

nerdgasming: xvegan-or-dieex: vegan-because-fuck-you: Every time I read a feel good story about a...




Every time I read a feel good story about a human saving an animal I'm like "so what I bet they eat meat".

"Just saved a sheep from drowning let's go have some celebratory burgers"

I'm extremely cynical and find joy in nothing

yea same

Burgers are delicious!

Sometimes I’ll be in a good mood but then I’ll remember there are people that have...

Sometimes I’ll be in a good mood but then I’ll remember there are people that have seriously organised and hosted non vegan barbecues to raise money for animal rights.

I swear stupidity physically hurts me. It does.

Stretching my ears again (fucking properly this time) was a good...

Stretching my ears again (fucking properly this time) was a good decision.

mischievouslittlepixie: humanwarlust: vegan-because-fuck-you: I want to buy a  bunch of Guy...




I want to buy a  bunch of Guy Fawkes masks and organize a rally against mindless consumerism!!!!!!

-edited out dumb picture this moron posted-

Funny that OP says that because the money from buying a Guy Fawkes mask goes to Time Warner.  After "V For Vendetta" came out they owned the rights to that image


I want to buy a  bunch of Guy Fawkes masks and organize a rally against mindless consumerism!!!!!!

I want to buy a  bunch of Guy Fawkes masks and organize a rally against mindless consumerism!!!!!!

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